Don't really know what the plan is tonight but I know I wanna get drunk!
The Icelander goes to college
fimmtudagur, október 31, 2002
I am gonna kill my roommate....
Ok I go out for a fun night out...you know for once. When i get back my computer is even more fucked up than it usually is. And there are two notes from my idiot, stupid, dumb ass roommate..... She can't even spell right and doesn't use proper grammar.
Here are the notes (not changed at all):
Hrefna I went to used your computer to print out my work the computer freeze I didn't want to to turn it Off So called me when you get back.
Second one: Help save my paper please called me when you get back Emmanuella
I am so fucking mad! I want to kick her ass. Don't people here ask before they use other peoples' stuff!?! Djofulsins helvitis andskotans $$#%&&%@ beep beep!
yeah and by the way we went to Wilt Chamberlains and had a blast.
þriðjudagur, október 29, 2002
I'm lazy!
I really need to clean my room, study a whole bunch, write some letters, do some laundry and some other stuff.....but I'm lazy. Instead I do nothing. Procrastination seems to be all I do.
Ok I will...sometime do everything I need to do not at the last minute. Ok there....now its in writing.
I got my slurpee fix today....thanks to Dave. :)
Anyone who tried to wake me up last night....god I feel sorry for you. I know a couple people tried and were probably a bit scared of me. This is a warning if I look like I'm sleeping and I didn't ask you to wake me....DO NOT EVEN TRY!!!
THE DUMB SHIT AWARD also was recieved by Javier.
Always return DVD's to Blockbuster not just the case.
mánudagur, október 28, 2002
Hey people,
I just got back from a very relaxing weekend with my relatives. Played some golf and stuff like that. Had fun sorta...lets just say different kinda of fun.
But I feel as I missed a whole bunch of stuff. O well!
Yes so I'm back if anyone noticed I was gone.
fimmtudagur, október 24, 2002
Very many people have been asking me where i have been and what I have been doing. Well studying takes some time, then golf, then rugby, Leadership class (RA thing), and a whole bunch of other stuff. So there....now you know.
Ok something I found out today that really amazed me! They actually have a male/female auction here to raise money for charity. Helloooo am i the only one that feels that is very wrong? It's like selling people....I don't give a fuck if it's for charity.
The so great chat/ IM program I found started to get on my nerves big time....i dont know why, but I switched back to using all the programs individually.
miðvikudagur, október 23, 2002
Ok nope not a smoke at all today!
Woke up at 6 o clock this morning to go play golf. (went to bed really late) Like I think most of the people who know me, know I am not a morning person. I have been very aggrivated today, hey lack of sleep and nicotine. Not a very good combination.
I am very sorry if I have snapped at anybody... don't take it wrong....its the not smoking thing ( I was also sick today)
Everything seems to get on my nerves. Ok manic state over....now moody state in action. Just stay away if you think I'm in a bad mood....I probably am!
Tip of the day: If you piss me off in the next couple of weeks I will probably beat you over the head with hubcaps!
þriðjudagur, október 22, 2002
Hello people!
Just got back from a very interesting leadership class (the RA thingy) My suite is famous.... so many people have heard about the fights here. Apparently there aren't that many suites that have these many problems. When they were talking about how to deal with these situations and so on I was practically laughing. Then someone figured out oh yeah she is in that suite. Of course know the source of the problem too.
Busy week ahead....like always. Not much to do schoolwise but other stuff is a bit overwhelming this week.
Nope no cigarettes today.... and it hasn't been too hard. I have only finished about 3 packs of gum. Ok this is going well! Maybe I should take up knitting, learn a new language through the internet, learn how to computer program, start up a musical act group.... I don't know. Gotta keep busy!
mánudagur, október 21, 2002
sunnudagur, október 20, 2002
This quitting smoking thing......driving me crazy!
Ok yes I did slip a bit last night enjoyed a bit of smoke. But today I have been strong. I have cleaned everything, I composed my schedule for next semester, read a book, studyied, read a lot in the undergraduate catalogue, typed up my notes....what more? Oh god how I long for that sweet nicotine, the smooth smoke and bitter tar.
Now I have developed an oral fixation (no nothing kinky about it) have to have something to chew. This is so hard.
Ok gotta keep busy so I don't need/want to smoke.....yeah make coffee....alphabetaize my CDs....do something!
laugardagur, október 19, 2002
What Was Your PastLife?
yes yes...or something!
du du du ru ru du du du TEQUILA.........
I actually drank a drink with Tequila in it....without throwing up....margaritas.
But yes I got some real food icelandic food last night, played golf this morning, took a shower that actually had some running water( not just three drops a minute), got to speak some Icelandic (see no weird looks and got talked back to in Icelandic), relaxed bigtime (don't I always do that?).
Things I didn't expect but happened:
i got to wake up at 6:30 on a Saturdaymorning...
I missed my computer (even though there was one there...does this mean there is something wrong with me?)
Interesting trying to explain to my grandfather why I needed to get back to the dorm (what can i say they love and didn't want me to leave) well see I promised my friend i would lend him a dress....
my grandpa: Did you just say he?
moi: yes, well he has to go to this thing?
my grandpa: Is he like you know?
moi: no he is trying to get into a fraternity!
my grandpa: *stare*
moi: so when do you want to play golf again *trying to change the subject expression*
föstudagur, október 18, 2002
fimmtudagur, október 17, 2002
I finally got to see the feeding of Ben's pets! Wicked cool...(Mr. Deeds)
Information about my country:
I can't think of anything at this moment....but Bjork's mom is on hunger strike protesting the building of a new aluminum plant.
And yeah an ecstasy pill was found on a 16 year old at a rave...this was in the news!
miðvikudagur, október 16, 2002
Thank you Dave
And Jon what the hell?
I did very well on my Rock in American society midterm today.....me so happy!
Sleep now....
þriðjudagur, október 15, 2002
How Horny Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Is this week over yet???
Too much to do and not a fraction of the time I need to do it.
I am uninspired, unmotivated and just dont feel like doing my homework at this time. AAARRG!
Oh yeah and people if you have noticed on the side here there is this thing called view and sign my guestbook...try clicking on it and writing your name....Merci beaucoup, takk, danke, thank you, tak, gracias and all that.
mánudagur, október 14, 2002
what type of book are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
A different quiz, what strange type of person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
sunnudagur, október 13, 2002
An Experience I shall never forget!
Went to the GWAR concert with Lex, Jon and Ben. This was Lex's first concert ever....maybe not the concert you should go to when you have never been to one.
We got there early....stood outside for a long time. Finally when we got in the place sucked. Not an ideal place to have a concert in. But I forgot about everything like that when the music started.
Gwar was pretty amazing! Getting soaked in fake blood and sperm is something you don't experience every day. Their stageshow is unlike any other. The music is brilliant too.
When the show was over Ben and Jon needed to be groupies for a while....when they admired the band for long enough we sailed home with a little stop at Jon's house.
Thanks guys for a great night!
laugardagur, október 12, 2002
![]() Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I'm not drunk, I can drink plenty without... What was I saying? Beer. What Flavour Are You? |
I got talked into going to an interesting concert tomorrow night with a group called GWAR. Very original and creative group! It'll probably be fun, something that I haven't tried.
I was right my smoking did have a lot to say at practice last night, I ache all over, anybody wanna give me a massage? I thought I was gonna die at one time. Have some bruises but god it was so fun!!!
To wind down after practice Tema & I went to see Sweet Home Alabama. I like that movie....so sweet....chickflick and a half.
Of course like always I have to educate you guys about my country more.... In Iceland we don't have phones. You know the horns on the stupid hats we wear, well those are communication devices, just yank it out and shout into it and well you get the message. But in the city some of the very rich have phones (mostly businesses) and well there you have to call the operator (very nice lady, my cousin) and well she connects you through and of course can listen to everything you say.
Tip of the day: Sign my guestbook!
föstudagur, október 11, 2002
fimmtudagur, október 10, 2002
Thank god this week is almost over.....I think I finished everything I needed to do.
I demanded my grandfather invite me for dinner so I can eat some real food....yup soured sheep testaciles, torched sheep heads, and some dried fish and maybe even some really really old soured sharkmeat....yummi!
Going to my first practice tonight....I am sure that my smoking is gonna have a lot to say....I'm gonna die.
Tip for the funeral: Play the song "If you don't know me by now you will never never know me"
Having fun not studying geology....
Does anyone know how many stamps I need to send a regular letter to Europe?
Note to self: Organize life better
miðvikudagur, október 09, 2002
I'm back in the ghetto....my computer is being fixed...yes again.
I saw Red Dragon last night I'm still thinking about it. One of the coolest movies I have seen.
God how I hate this lab!!!
Played golf today and that felt soooo good. You don't need anger management classes if you play golf....just beat the ball to death!
Tip of the day: DO NOT jump on me while I'm sleeping....you might get killed!
mánudagur, október 07, 2002
Which CowBoy BeBop Session Are You?
Session 3:
"What, there's a bounty out on me? ...only 6 million?!?" - Faye
Can you say fiesty?
You don't let people keep you from doing what you like.
You do it, no matter the outcome.
Hey, can't lose if you got nothing to lose, right?
You know how to play people like a game of cards, but they're all just another 3 when you need a Ace.
Don't worry though, under "don't care about anyone" exterior, everyone knows you really do.
Got my slurpee....I'm also slurpee scared for life. Talked to my grandpa, gonna go play golf in the morning. I can't wait. Dave tried to fix my computer...not sure if it worked yet.
My suitenmates are certifiable.....psychward material. One minute screaming and bitchin the next all sweet and nice. O well nothing I can do about it.
Note to self: When playing with fire you can get burned.
Get this its monday and I haven't had a slurpee since friday!
Do you ever get the feeling that the caffeteria is getting worse day by day? I think its a secret government research program. Researchin poison limits of a human body and wether it builds up tolerence. They are using us as guinea pigs and soon we will all die. And then they will revive us and we will be super soldiers.
Tip of the day: Sunscreen isn't needed at night!
It has been a relaxing day. (exept for the rude awakenings) I think it's gonna be a quiet week schoolwise, only one exam and no major essays....which means I can go play golf. Highlight of my day was the washing of my cow....now she's all white and clean.
Tip of the day: You are not hardcore if you wear fuzzy pink stuff!
![]() I am popular in the workplace, even though I am often bitter. I am energetic to the point of being frenetic; buzz buzz, out of my way. I tend to overwork myself and need periods of recovery time. What Flavour Are You? |
sunnudagur, október 06, 2002
Ok i couldn't sleep last night.....now I'm getting shit because I slept in. AAAARRRG!!
Since I moved here I've had bigtime trouble sleeping at night. I've tried everything possible, even sleeping pills (which I am against taking) and nothing is working. OK fine I'll just have my own schedule who should care? Right?
On weekends people would start waking me up before noon....thats too early for me.
Fuck off and let me sleep when I want to!
Ok I am having slurpee withdraw! I haven't had one today...I am so proud of myself. But my Beck's is helping me through it.
I did absolutely nothing today....very productive day.
Tip of the day: Go to bed before 6 o'clock in the morning!
laugardagur, október 05, 2002
Please someone inform me how somebody can talk on the phone all day and all night. I just don't get it!
Tip of the day: Slurpees can give you brainfreeze!
föstudagur, október 04, 2002
I get the point Americans think (know) that Iceland is green and Greenland is icy.These two countries are not simuilar one is the size of the state of Florida the other the size of half of the U.S.
I live in a three story igloo with an elevator. We have penguins as servants and trained polarbears as means of transportation. Nope we don't have grass but you can buy lawnmovers. Yes we do have television but only on tuesdays...and the program is old german tv shows like Derrik and Taggart.
We read a lot but only the old viking sagas and we still practice the old ancient nordic religion, we worship Odin, Thor, Frigg, Freyja and whole bunch of other gods. All icelanders are paganists. We have our own currency....we use pebbles and rocks.
Everybody listens only to Bjork's music and never to anything else. Our nature consists of ice, snow, rocks and live volcanic mountains that burst every day. We cant travel to anywhere because of the harsh conditions, exceptions being a few days a year, no airplanes want to fly there. We drink a lot out of horns and wear stupid hats.
I went to a bar where I actually felt at home....so much fun....so many pitchers of beer. I even made the guys do icelandic shots! I gotta do this more often.
Me buzzing....need sleep!
I actually was able to buy cigarettes at 7/11 today....i had my passport, my driverslicense (icelandic), my debetcard (icelandic) and my owlcard. Well he (the same guy as last time) looked very long and hard at my passport. Finally he handed me the cigarettes. Ok this guy really hates selling me cigarettes!
Reggie got the Dumb Shit Award today.
Gonna go to a bar tonight and enjoy being off campus for awhile.
Tip of the day: Put on your pants before you go outside
fimmtudagur, október 03, 2002
Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty

Do you give a fuck?
This quiz style was designed by alanna, adapted by Batfish Designs, and created by Missanthropy
Great! somebody just called and offered me a creditcard....the person just didn't get no thanks ended finally with me hanging up on her. Ok i feel sorry for people that sell this stuff but when you say you're not interested they should get the point. Right?
Hey i got a guestbook....please sign it if you are reading my bullshit.
miðvikudagur, október 02, 2002
Dave and I just came up with a game called the DumbShit Award....everytime anybody does something stupid he/she gets an award and of course called a DumbShit!
So watch out.....
I really really should be studying...but I totally lack the motivation. It's probably because of all the sleep I got last night. I'm an idiot. I forgot my keys in Tema's car and well I discovered it at around 4:30 in the morning when I was going to go sleep. Hey I was studying and my brain was not functioning correctly (does it ever?) So I waited til somebody woke up...at 8 in the morning!
Like almost everyday I went to 7/11 today....slurpees are goooood! I was of course going to buy some cigarettes. The conversation:
7/11 guy: Hello, how are you? All this together. (say it with an indian accent)
Me: Fine, yes everything together and 3 packs of Marlboro menthols lights please.
7/11 guy: We have special buy tree get two free. I want?
Me: of course. And here is my ID (ok an Icelandic one, I dont have an Florida one)
7/11 guy: This not valid, where birthday? (by now a very long line had formed, people frustrated)
Me: right here 13. 06.1981 I'm here everyday you've seen this about 30 times.
7/11 guy: You have nother ID?
Me: just this one (showed him my student card)
7/11 guy: Illegal for me to sell you (heck yeah it's called prostitution)
Me: This is ridiculus! Ok then just the slurpee! I'm 21 years old and can't buy cigarettes!
I went to a more friendly store called Shell, where they didn't even ask me for ID!!!!
A little bit about me:
My name is Hrefna Thorisdottir and I'm 21 years old. I'm from Iceland but decided to go to college in South Florida, FAU to be exact. Well i decided when I was just a kid (I was like 5 years old) that I would go to college in Florida. It always seemed to be a distant dream but hey I'm here now.
I lived here in Florida when I was a kid, but my perception then is so much different from what it is now. People here are different from in Iceland...I can't really explain how but they are. Many strike me as superficial and narrow-minded, but boy can Americans talk.