miðvikudagur, október 02, 2002

Like almost everyday I went to 7/11 today....slurpees are goooood! I was of course going to buy some cigarettes. The conversation:

7/11 guy: Hello, how are you? All this together. (say it with an indian accent)
Me: Fine, yes everything together and 3 packs of Marlboro menthols lights please.
7/11 guy: We have special buy tree get two free. I want?
Me: of course. And here is my ID (ok an Icelandic one, I dont have an Florida one)
7/11 guy: This not valid, where birthday? (by now a very long line had formed, people frustrated)
Me: right here 13. 06.1981 I'm here everyday you've seen this about 30 times.
7/11 guy: You have nother ID?
Me: just this one (showed him my student card)
7/11 guy: Illegal for me to sell you (heck yeah it's called prostitution)
Me: This is ridiculus! Ok then just the slurpee! I'm 21 years old and can't buy cigarettes!

I went to a more friendly store called Shell, where they didn't even ask me for ID!!!!


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