þriðjudagur, mars 18, 2003

Uh long time no post!

Sorry been extremly busy procrastinating! Went to Redneckville this weekend a.k.a. Savannah Georgia! It was a St. Patty's Day rugby tournament and we had a blast. Actually we won some games and got 3.place in our division. The sport is a lot more fun when you do well.

Looks like the world is going to war on Wednesday. This sucks big time. Bush is just trying to do the same exact shit as his father did.

Yawn I so don't wanna study but I have to if I'm gonna be here next semester.

I got an interesting comment about my last post from a German girl: It was so interesting to read, what they tell you at university about the Germans' role in the following war...This is again typical American... Who enabled the Taliban get the power in Afghanistan, because "they" were against the Russians who planned to build a pipeline through Afghanistan? This war is just stupid and dangerous, only about money, and now even the US-university-professors blame the Germans for it.... Crazy! Who wants this war? Not the Germans!


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