miðvikudagur, nóvember 20, 2002

Stupid Americans!
Me being Tema's bodyguard (from the evil witch from Brazil) I went with her to the gas station to buy some cigarettes. I wasn't buying anything just keepin her company and wasting some time (I know I should have been studying). She asks for some Camel Lights the lady was like you have ID? Tema handed over her drivers license. Both ID!? the woman said and looked at me. my expression was *what the hell is she saying and why is she looking at me... do I look strange or something* Tema figured the whole thing out.
She wanted to see my ID... why the hell do I need ID when Tema is getting cigarettes for herself???

I am 21 years old (going on 22...sad but true) and I'm supposed to carry my passport whereever I go..... no thanks! This whole ordeal reminded me of the 7/11 deal a couple months back.

Tip of the day: Don't ask for my ID (I dont have it with me).... I could blow something up....afterall I am foreign.


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